Marketing Seminars for the care sector | Care Creative

Seminar Overview

The aged care, disability, healthcare, not-for-profit, and childcare sectors are becoming more competitive in response to changing consumer expectations, evolving social behaviours, and the impact of technology. Ensuring you have a clear and consistent message, delivered through your marketing and branding is an essential key to success in increasing consumer choice driven markets. Using your mission and values based operating model can differentiate you from your competition.

This webinar takes a look at baseline marketing and branding strategies within the care sector. It will equip you with the tools to review your current marketing and branding, in the light of an increasingly competitive marketplace, and provide simple strategies to make a big difference.

Course Outline
  • What is marketing?

  • How do I develop a marketing strategy?

  • How and why the aged care and disability sectors are becoming more competitive in terms of marketing & branding.

  • Care-specific considerations when developing a marketing strategy that includes evolving social behaviours, technological trends and consumer expectations.

  • Identifying and reaching your target market in a cost effective way.

  • Understanding your competitors to create a competitive differentiation.

  • Finding and utilising your brand personality.

  • Ensuring you have a clear and consistent message delivered through your marketing and branding.

  • How your mission and values impact your marketing and branding.

  • Actions you can implement straight away that will make a big difference, even with a small team or a small budget.

Suggested Participants

This program has been developed to enhance the skills of marketing team members, Administration team members, Managers and Regional Managers.

This program will also provide a valuable insight into aged care marketing and branding for Board members and Executive Team members.

2024 Dates

Webinar Scheduled Session:
Wed, 18 September 2024 | 1pm – 4pm AEST

Seminar Overview

How do you know your marketing activities are working effectively? And how do you know if your marketing strategy is appropriate for your audience?

There are many sources of data that organisations can utilise to access insights. This information can inform business decisions and marketing strategies. 

Understanding marketing analytics and insights can help aged care and disability providers improve their market position in a market that is becoming more and more competitive

Course Outline
  • Sourcing web and digital marketing data

  • Segmenting and organising data

  • Identify a range of key metrics

  • Discover insights by analysing multiple data sources

  • Consider data integrity in the analysis process

  • Develop short and long term goals from insights

  • Develop reports for Management and Boards

Suggested Participants

This program has been developed to enhance the skills of Marketing team members, Administration team members, Managers and Regional Managers.

This program will also provide a valuable insight into aged care marketing and branding for Board Members and Executive Team members.

2024 Dates

Webinar Scheduled Session:
Thurs, 14 November 2024 | 1pm – 4pm AEST

Seminar Overview

Social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses in reaching and engaging with their customers. With billions of users across various platforms, social media provides a unique opportunity for businesses to promote their brand, build relationships with customers, and increase revenue. This seminar on social media engagement strategies aims to provide you with insights and strategies to enhance your business’ social media presence and engagement.

In this program, you will be introduced to the importance of social media, learn how to effectively set and measure goals, and learn practical techniques to improve your social media presence and effectively engage with your customers.

Course Outline
  • Learning the importance of social media management for businesses 
  • Setting short-term and long-term goals and objectives
  • Understanding your audience and accessing insights
  • Choosing the right social media platforms 
  • Evaluating the success of social media efforts
  • Common mistakes to avoid 
  • Tips for staying up-to-date with social media trends and changes 
  • Linking your social media strategy to your broader marketing strategy 
  • Demonstration of scheduling and posting on social media 
Suggested Participants

This program has been developed to enhance the skills of people responsible for marketing, including Marketing and Administration Teams, Managers and Executive Leaders.

2024 Dates

Webinar Scheduled Session:
Thursday, 10 Oct 2024 | 2pm – 4pm AEST

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